Twin Cities Love! The A-Z Blog Challenge

Starting April 1st, I will be participating in the A-Z Blog Challenge which is essentially a big marathon run for bloggers.  Given our move to Minnesota, my theme will be “Twin Cities Love”.

As a recent transplant to the area, these 26 blogs will be my lens on the mix of places and people that I love about my new home.  Will this be a definitive list of the coolest or the best that Minneapolis or St Paul have to offer?  Nope, but I hope it will start some great conversations about what you love best about the Twin Cities.

Please share all your thoughts and ideas!


7 thoughts on “Twin Cities Love! The A-Z Blog Challenge

  1. Hi! I found your blog through the A to Z Challenge. I actually moved away from Minnesota just a few years ago. We live in Kansas City now. I hope the transition hasn’t been too tough. Look forward to seeing if any of my favorite TC spots pop up on your blog! Have fun!


  2. I’ve never been to the Twin Cities, but I have several friends who have lived or still live there. I’ve always heard it’s an awesome place! I look forward to seeing your posts this month!

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